Explaining Victoria Selective School Exam 2024

Explaining Victoria Selective School Exam 2024

Hearing the term Victoria Selective School Exam or SEHS entrance exam raises multiple questions. What is it? Can my child apply for this? When and how do I apply?
To answer the unending array of questions, let’s dig deeper and learn about the Victoria Selective School Exam 2024.

What is the Victoria Selective School Exam or the SEHS entrance exam?

The Victoria Selective School Exam, or the SEHS entrance exam, is a specially designed assessment test for a Year 9 entry to the four Victorian government schools participating in the Selective Entry High Schools program. The participating schools are:

➤The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School                  ➤Melbourne High School (Boys)

➤Nossal High School                                               ➤Suzzane Cory High School


This is a specially designed 4-year program (Year 9-Year 12) for high-achieving students to cater to and nurture their stimulating learning needs that constantly challenge their potential in bringing out the very best in them.


Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 Important Dates

  • The applications for the 2025 Year 9 entry have already started from 5 February 2024 onwards and will close at midnight on 3 May 2024.
  • Exam advice and arrangement details will be sent to parents by 30th May 2024.
  • The Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 for Year 9 2025 entry will be conducted on Saturday, June 15th 2024.
  • The applicants can change their school preferences until 21st June 2024.
  • The Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 results will be sent to the parents by September 2024.


Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 Format & Structure

The SEHS (Selective Entry High School) entrance exam is essentially a written assessment test that assesses the applicant’s higher-order cognitive and analytical skills rather than academic achievement or abilities. The knowledge foundation required for the test shall not exceed that of the Year 8 curriculum.

It is a three-part competitive exam with an approximate duration of 3 hours and two short breaks of 20 and 5 minutes each.

The Victorian Selective School Exam 2024 will include:


Test TypeSectionMinutesNo. of QuestionsType
ReasoningReading3550Multiple Choice
ReasoningMathematics3050Multiple Choice
General Ability


Verbal3050Multiple Choice
General Ability


Quantitative3050Multiple Choice
General Ability


Writing402Open response


Victoria Selective School Exam 2024- The Test Types


  • Reading: This section assesses the candidate’s capacity to read, comprehend, understand and interpret from the given passage and answer the questions asked accordingly. In some questions, the students might have to correct grammatical errors, punctuate, or even complete the sentences.
  • Mathematics: In this section of the test, the child’s mathematical reasoning abilities are tested based on the Year 8 curriculum knowledge foundation. It includes questions on measurement, geometry, algebra, data, and several other concepts.
  • Verbal: The student’s general ability to think and reason using words and language is assessed here. Also, the child’s ability to solve problems, deduce, classify, and find word relationships is measured.
  • Quantitative: This part tests the student’s capacity to think and reason logically when dealing with numbers and quantity. Questions based on series, arithmetic reasoning, deduction, and matrices are tested.
  • Writing: Here, the students are provided with a writing stimulus, wherein they are expected to write a piece using their imaginative understanding creatively. The candidate’s ability to imagine, think, and translate thoughts into reality by writing is tested.

Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 Preparation

An entrance exam this rigorous demands serious and well-planned preparation. As it is specifically designed to assess the candidate’s aptitude for reasoning, critical thinking and analysis, problem-solving, creative thinking, and interpretation, it needs a strategically devised preparation plan.

Experts advise to develop these skills with-

  • starting to prepare early,
  • practise past papers and take practice tests, and
  • take the right kind of guidance to nurture and elevate the existing skills in a stimulating learning environment.

Encourage your child to take a learning journey while preparing for the Victoria Selective School Exam 2024 with Selectivetrial.