Victoria Selective Trial (Free)

Victoria Selective Trial (Free)

Course Access: 3 days accessNote: Our trial package provides a variety of questions per subject, encouraging students to challenge themselves within set time limits. Despite the Victorian ACER authority not specifying question quantities, we aim to offer an extensive range of questions at a fixed time to prepare students.

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One full set of ACER style format Selective Reading Test practice Question Paper – Time Scored. 

One full set of ACER style format Selective Mathematical Reasoning practice Question Paper – Time Scored.

One full set of ACER style format Selective General Ability – Verbal practice Question Paper – Time Scored.

One full set of ACER style format Selective General Ability – Quantitative practice Question Paper – Time Scored.

The Exam comprises a series of tests, including multiple-choice questions

Reasoning – Reading (35 mins)

Reasoning – Mathematics (30 mins)

General ability – Verbal (30 mins)

General ability – Quantitative (30 mins)

Reasoning tasks in Reading and Mathematics assess a student’s ability to use their life and academic knowledge and skills and apply them to problems and tasks using the information provided in the task.

General ability tasks assess a student’s ability to learn in each of the tested areas by allowing the student to demonstrate their higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.

Focus on Time Management
A few months are left; take a subscription NOW and practice unlimited time. MAKE a perfection on TIMING. Have a hands-on practice on ACER ASSESSMENT TEST format questions.
REVIEW every question with detailed explanations.
ALL question sets are based on per Cambridge Assessment Test Format.

icons8 document Full Set of New Format Papers:

The full set of Victoria selective sample test question papers includes all types of questions similar to the real-time exam questions. Selective Trials follow the same current format of new Selective formats. Our highly qualified group of subject experts of High scoring ATAR tutors and selective school passed-out tutors passionately did their level best to create the many papers here at Selective Trials. All tests are time managed, and each student will feel the same as the actual Australian tests. After finishing each test, the student can review and revise all questions with feedback and thorough explanations. Students can investigate the work solutions for all the questions in detail, where steps are maintained on how to solve the question and the quicker reasoning behind it.

122 Practice Question Papers:

We recommend every student start with revision questions first, then slowly go to Time scored Question BANK.

As per Victoria and Australian Curriculum, we published our question BANK for Selective per the new style and format.

Our revision question BANK has covered all the chapters and maintained them accordingly. If your child does wrong on any particular question, you can practice similar questions again.

icons8 edit Writing Test Evaluation:

In our package, we are offering a writing test where the students will log in (in their account, which is provided by Selective Trials) to our Learning Management Portal and go to the course from where they take the Exam in the same place student will have the option to submit their writing test. Our experienced Australian English Tutors evaluate each writing test in detail as per the Australian Curriculum.

icons8 star filled Review:

Without feedback, getting the same question right without any help is impossible. Feedback is crucial when building up your child’s stamina to get the same type of question right the next time. Also, please find out why your child got the question wrong in the first place; and fix them to grant them entry into their dream school, and the final result from the Exam will be a function of your child’s capabilities. Parents can view the student’s performance relative to their peers and see the performance per question type and topic.


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Practise to succeed…


Students who are currently in Year 8 will be appearing in Victoria’s Selective Entry High School Test on July 24


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