Mastering the ACER Scholarship Test: A Comprehensive Study Guide for Year 10 Entry

Mastering the ACER Scholarship Test: A Comprehensive Study Guide for Year 10 Entry

What is the ACER Scholarship Test?

The ACER (Australian Council for Education and Research) Scholarship Test is a set of independent academic assessments used by schools across Australia to identify high achieving learners. This test is neither curriculum based nor tests the ability to memorise learnt information. Rather the students have to showcase a range of skills like the ability to analyse, think critically, interpret, infer and deduce.

Importance of the ACER Scholarship Test

This test is conducted over 250 independent schools across Australia, with the sole aim of spotting out the academically gifted learners and awarding them with scholarships, enhanced educational opportunities and financial aids for a reinforced and seamless learning journey. 

The ACER Scholarship Test is specifically designed to rank the top order results of high performing students with fine differentiation.

ACER Scholarship Test Sections & Structure

The scholarship test is broadly divided into two sections the Primary Level Tests and Secondary Level Tests. The division is largely on the basis of the entry levels the student is to apply for. The Primary Level tests or Level P tests are for entry to Years 4-6. The Secondary Level tests are further subdivided into Levels 1, 2 and 3. Level 1 is for entry to Years 7 & 8, Levels 2 & 3 are for entry to Years 9 to 12.

Mastering the ACER Scholarship Test


Primary Level Test Sections

Reading & Viewing- In this section of the test the candidate’s reflective comprehension and interpretation skills are assessed. The paper consists of short passages to be read and answered, alongwith visual and written elements.

Mathematics- Here the candidates are to apply their mathematical skills to solve the problems given. They are to mainly do short calculations with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

Writing- This section consists of two extended responses where the students are to write two short pieces that demonstrates their ability to compile their thoughts and write. The assessment is solely done on their quality, clarity, expression, structure and organisation of ideas.

Primary Level Test Structure


Test SectionNo. of QuestionsType of QuestionsTime
Reading  & Viewing25Multiple choice questions30 minutes
Mathematics20Multiple choice questions30 minutes
WritingExtended response40 minutes

Secondary Level Test Sections

Written Expression- Here the students are to answer two writing prompts as two different tests, wherein the quality of the content is of utmost importance than quantity. The assessment for this section is done on the student’s ability to express, compile and organise his/hers thoughts and ideas. The assessment parameters are- thought and content, structure and organisation, expression, writing style and grammatical sense.

Humanities (Comprehension & Interpretation)- This section consists of questions from varied subject areas ranging from History, Geography, Social Studies, English and Art. The student’s ability to recall previously acquired information is not tested, rather their ability to understand, comprehend and critical thinking is put to test. 

Mathematics- This section focuses and measures the candidate’s mathematical skills. The assessment is to be done on skills like quantitative problem solving, mathematical analysis and interpretation, selection of key information, relationship identification, information reorganisation and transformation, lastly synthesis and evaluation of derived solutions.

Science ( levels 2 & 3)- For Levels 2 & 3 the difficulty metre increases with the inclusion of scientific skills test along with the mathematical skills one. Here, unlike Level 1 half the paper comprises scientific skill based questions with specific focus on scientific critical thinking. The assessment is on the student’s ability of analysis and interpretation of scientific concepts and information, hypothesising, application of scientific methods and logic, evaluation based on evidence, experimentation and derived conclusions. 

Secondary Level Test structure – Level 1

Test SectionNo. of QuestionsType of QuestionsTime
Written Expression2Extended response50 minutes
Humanities (Comprehension & Interpretation)40-45Multiple choice questions40 minutes
Mathematics32-36Multiple choice questions40 minutes


Secondary Level Test structure – Level 2 & 3


Test SectionNo. of QuestionsType of QuestionsTime
Written Expression2Extended response50 minutes
Humanities (Comprehension & Interpretation)40-45Multiple choice questions40 minutes
Mathematics & Science32-36Multiple choice questions40 minutes


Preparation tips & strategies for ACER Scholarship Test

For succeeding any highly competitive test a good well rounded preparation is very important. A good preparation journey under some expert’s guidance wins half the battle. So here’s some preparation tips for acing the ACER Scholarship Test with utmost confidence.

  • Understand the test thoroughly- Before diving into the preparation of the test, it is always instructed to get a very good understanding of the test to be written. Knowing the test format, structure, question type and pattern, and other related information is a must. This eases the humongous task of kickstarting the preparation.

  • Prepare with the right resources- While on the preparation journey, it is humanly not possible to prepare everything and anything in the world. So doing it right with ACER published practice questions, preparation guides, study materials, and leading exam practice platforms like Selectivetrial makes the preparation way better.

  • Practise critical thinking-  This prestigious test scholarship test discourages rote learning and recall. All the tests are designed by ACER to assess understanding of academic knowledge. Hence, enhancing one’s critical thinking skills with practice questions, practice tests by Selectivetrial gives a better edge to all candidates.

  • Stay calm & manage your time effectively- Keeping your cool on the test day is a mandate. Learning to stay calm and composed amid the chaos before the test helps in staying focussed and performing better. Also effective time management by not wasting time for difficult questions saves a lot of precious time during the test.

Let your child make it big in the ACER Scholarship Test with Selectivetrial.

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