Suggestion for Year 7 NAPLAN 2024

Suggestion for Year 7 NAPLAN 2024

NAPLAN or the National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy is the annual nationwide assessment taken by Australian students in the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. This is primarily aimed at monitoring and identifying the curriculum’s weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, it also gives an idea of a child’s progress through the learning journey.
For those students appearing for the Year 7 NAPLAN in 2024, it surely is a minor milestone in their journey of junior high school. It can also be considered as their very first encounter to elevated standards of high school assessment.  

Well, it might seem a little daunting but fear not, here’s all that one needs to know about Year 7 NAPLAN of 2024

Year 7 NAPLAN 2024 Format & Structure


The Year 7 NAPLAN follows the similar structure that of Year 3 and 5. The assessment is done across the following domains in the sequential as structured below:

  • Writing 
  • Reading
  • Language Conventions
  • Numeracy

The candidate can choose to appear for the exam in written or online format. The students who have chosen the pen-paper format will have to write for three consecutive days during the testing period. A detailed format of the Year 7 NAPLAN is as below:


Test DomainTest ScheduleDurationNo. of questions (tentative)
Writing1st test of the test window42 minutes1
ReadingConducted after Writing65 minutes48
Language ConventionsConducted after Reading45 minutes50
NumeracyConducted after Language Conventions65 minutes48

Year 7 NAPLAN 2024 Exams

1. Writing: This section of Year 7 NAPLAN is mainly to assess a child’s ability to respond to stimulus, comprehend and then write. The type of writing stimulus could be narrative, persuasive or informative. The students are to be overall marked upon- text structure, ideas, characters and setting (if any), sentence structure, vocabulary, paragraphing, spelling and punctuation.

2. Reading: Those avid readers in Year 7 are surely going to love this segment of the test. This test essentially is to judge a student’s ability to read and comprehend the given text. The given text to be tested can be of any genre ranging from- poems, essays, narratives or featured articles. The corresponding questions to it will be of varying difficulty, depending on the type of text.

3. Conventions of Language: As the name suggests this section mainly tests the grammar, punctuation and spelling abilities of Year 7 candidates. The Year 7s are presented with relatively engaging questions of grammar and spelling. The punctuation knowledge questions generally deal with- colons, commas, quotation marks and ellipses. Sometimes in the case of Year 7 the testing elements can be combined in a single question.

4.Numeracy: This section tests the numerical proficiency of Year 7 students in the following content areas of mathematics- Numbers & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability. This section is designed to test the problem solving, mathematical understanding, and reasoning capacities of the Year 7 candidates. The test is split into 2 segments, Part A (with calculators) and Part B (without calculators).

However as parents and elders it is our duty to equip the children of the test in our best possible capacities. Also, Year 7 being a small milestone year the following can be done prior to the test.

  • Make sure that candidate is thorough with the layout, format and entire structure of the test through timed Year 7 NAPLAN 2024 -style practice tests.

→This will allow them to get a hang of the exam environment pretty fast.

→Also, the child will know what to expect next, as the test has multiple stages.

  • Discover the candidates present strengths and weaknesses through the Year 7 NAPLAN 2024 -style practice test series. They can draw out the child’s areas of concerns on the basis of the candidate’s performance.

→This narrows down the workload of the candidates, as they know which exact areas to focus upon.

To find out more about Year 7 NAPLAN 2024, get in touch with Selectivetrial today!