Very soon in a month or two the school going young minds of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be appearing for the most anticipated NAPLAN exam 2024 (National Assessment Program- Language and Numeracy). 

NAPLAN Exam Dates and Changes

Unlike its previous years, NAPLAN 2024 commences from 13th March, Wednesday to 25th March, Monday. Thus, the schools get a 9-day window to conduct the series of tests. 

The students absent on the day of test have been provided with the provision of Catch-up tests. But the Catch-up test for Year 3 Writing has to be conducted by 18th March, Monday.

A few noticeable changes in the NAPLAN exam since  last year are:

  • The exam is now being conducted in Term 1.
  • It begins midweek on Wednesday instead of Monday.
  • Also the individual reports of students will be graded using the recently updated latest proficiency standards.

NAPLAN Exam Format and Structure

In accordance with the previous years NAPLAN exam 2024 too has to be conducted in the sequential order for all 3, 5, 7 & 9 Years.

The order is as follows:

Writing →  This test is a stimulus based response. The students are to write their response on a specific test type (persuasive or narrative). Also, the Year 3 students write their test on paper.

ReadingFrom a varied range of texts given to read the students have to respond using a variety of response types like- multiple choice, hotspot or drag and drop.

Conventions of LanguageHere, the students are meant to respond to grammar, spellings as well as punctuation items. The response formats to be used are short responses, multiple choice, and interactive ones.

NumeracyThe appearing students have to respond to numerical items using response formats like- multiple choice, short response and other interactive types. They also have access to online mathematical tools according to the year levels. Also Year 7 and 9 tests have different calculator based and non-calculator based sections.

How to help your child with last minute preparations for NAPLAN exam 2024?

For an important examination like NAPLAN it certainly requires a wholesome, yearlong and planned preparation. But of course, a couple of months before the examination some last minute planned preparation will surely help your child ace the NAPLAN exam 2024.

Development of sound language and numerical skills is the ultimate, tried and tested way to master the NAPLAN. Nonetheless, the below mentioned will help the last minute prep further zeal and zest.

  • Familiarity with NAPLAN exam format, structure and difficulty levels as per the Year the student is appearing for. This will help raise the confidence levels of the appearing student during the real tests. It will also ensure that the student takes the entire test with a well planned and prepared approach.
  • Get accustomed with online testing tools and similar user interfaces used for the NAPLAN tests. This will help the students be more engaged during the test and save their precious time on the day of the test. Moreover, being well adapted to the interface they will also be able to use the online tools better.
  • Identification of weaker areas of study and improvise the study and preparation plans accordingly. Once well aware of the comparative weaker sections the students can plan to take those sections ahead or later on the day of the test. This will allow them to complete the other sections without losing much time.
  • Assessment of current skills with past NAPLAN papers and time-based NAPLAN practice tests. This is one of the most efficient and fruitful ways to prepare yourself ahead of the real test. It prepares the students in the best way possible giving a taste of how the real test will be and feel like. 

Without much ado help your child prepare and practise better for the upcoming NAPLAN exam 2024 with Selectivetrial