Understanding the Victoria Selective Schools Test: Format, and Preparation Tips
The Victoria Selective Schools Test is a highly competitive examination designed to identify academically gifted students for placement in selective schools. If your child is aiming to excel in this test, it’s crucial to understand its format and prepare effectively. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the Victoria Selective Schools Test, including its format, and provide valuable preparation tips to help your child succeed.
Victoria Selective Schools Test and Its Format
Victoria Selective Schools Test is an examination that students should sit to gain admission into one of the four prestigious public selective schools,
- Suzanne Cory High School
- The MacRobertson Girls High School
- Melbourne High School
- Suzanne Cory High School
Previously, the test was organized by Edutest. However, from 2023, the test will be organized by ACER.
The test is used for student selection entry in Year 9. But entry to Years 10 to 12 is directly administered by schools at the discretion of the principal.
Here is the examination format of Victoria Selective Schools-
Ability Tests
- Numerical Reasoning (Multiple Choice- 30 Minutes)
- Verbal Reasoning (Multiple Choice- 30 Minutes)
A break of 20 minutes
Achievement Tests
- Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice- 30 Minutes)
- Persuasive OR Creative Writing (5 Minutes Planning+ 30 Minutes)
- Mathematics (Multiple Choice- 30 Minutes)
Tips to Prepare for Victoria Selective Schools Test
Acing Victoria Selective Schools Test is not easy. So, we are going to list the top tips to prepare for the exam.
1. Familiarize Yourself with the Questions that Will be Asked in Victoria Selective Schools Test
No matter whether it is a writing or a reading task, you need to ensure you are acquainted with the type of questions that are going to be asked. Complete as many sample papers as possible. This will help you develop your writing, numerical, and reading skills.
It is important to understand the structure of the entrance exam inside out. You should know both the Achievement and Ability Test really well.
2. Start to Prepare Early for Victoria Selective Schools Test
The earlier you start preparing for the entrance exam the better. Since the competition is tough and some top performing students sitting for the exam start preparing 2 years in advance.
Well, you might not have to put in two years of hard work, it is better to start preparing at least 6-7 months before the exam. This ensures you have enough time in hand to work on your self-confidence and stamina. Keep in mind that it is never too late.
Prepare your study plan early on and follow it.
3. Get Expert Help for Victoria Selective Schools Test
One of the top choices you can make is to get expert help. With help, you will learn what it really takes to pass the exam. A good tutor will help you identify your strength and weaknesses. Moreover, they can help in customizing a study that caters to your requirements.
Reach out to Selectivetrial to get additional help with Victoria Selective Schools Test and perform the best.