Understanding the Selective Entry EduTest Structure for Years 8 to 11
What is Edutest?
Edutest is essentially an educational organisation that offers scholarship programs and assessment tests to schools across Australia. Their tests are standardised ones often chosen by prestigious Selective High Schools to identify academically gifted and talented learners for several accelerated learning and scholarship programs across the country.
What is the Edutest Selective entry?
The Edutest Selective entry is a specially designed standardised assessment test used by Selective High Schools across the country. This test is used to single out students with high academic potential for their respective selective entry programs for Year 8 to Year 11.
About Edutest’s Selective High School entry test
These tests consist of two broad categories of tests, namely Ability Tests and Achievement Tests. The Selective High Schools opting Edutest’s Selective High School entry test have a result transfer process among them. Each Selective High School sharing results have their own set of special conditions, which are exclusively available on the school’s own website.
Edutest Selective Entry test format
Test Type | Test Section | Time Allotted | No. of Questions (approx.) | Question Type |
Ability Test | Verbal Reasoning | 30 minutes | 60 | Multiple Choice |
Ability Test | Numerical Reasoning | 30 minutes | 50 | Multiple Choice |
Achievement Test | Reading Comprehension | 30 minutes | 50 | Multiple Choice |
Achievement Test | Mathematics | 30 minutes | 60 | Multiple Choice |
Achievement Test | Written Expression | 35 mins + 5 mins planning time | 2 | Open response |
The Test Types
The Ability Tests
These tests are mindfully designed to assess a candidate’s cognitive, reasoning and problem-solving abilities without much assistance of previously acquired knowledge. This ability in a student is indicative of his/her ability and readiness to grasp and learn new complex concepts. The two ability test types are:
Verbal Reasoning
This test section evaluates a student’s ability to understand and manipulate the language according to the need of the situation. Here the questions mainly consist of sentence completion, word relationships, synonyms and antonyms, classification, analogies, and deduction.
Numerical Reasoning
Here, the student’s numerical problem solving abilities are put to test. In this section the questions consist of arithmetic reasoning, number series, matrices, data interpretation, geometry and deduction.
The Achievement Tests
The tests in this section are specifically designed by experts to evaluate a student’s academic progress, performance and achievement. The scores of this test depend on the student’s ability, application and practice of previously acquired academic knowledge. The three achievement test types are:
Reading Comprehension
This test section involves evaluating a student’s ability to read, interpret, comprehend , understand and analyse meaning from the given passage. Students are also assessed on the basis of their grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and punctuation skills.
Here, a student’s actual mathematical knowledge and problem solving skills are put to test. The questions here include concepts of numbers, algebra, measurement, data, and space.
Written Expression
In this section of the test the student’s creative cognition, imagination, clarity of expression in written form is evaluated. The questions asked are of open-response and can be of either of the mentioned forms. They are- informative, narrative, expository, descriptive, or persuasive.
Pro Preparation Tips for each section
For a very focussed Edutest Selective entry test preparation, develop strong skills in each section by following the below mentioned.
Verbal Reasoning
- Work on vocabulary with voracious reading habits.
- Indulge in thinking games like crossword and sudoku to increase logical thinking capacity.
- Gain knowledge in prefixes, suffixes and root words to help decipher unfamiliar words.
Numerical Reasoning
- Practise mental maths to improve speed and accuracy.
- Work hard ensuring a strong grasp in foundational mathematical concepts like algebra, arithmetics and geometry.
- Learn analysing graphs, tables and charts to understand the concepts of data interpretation.
Reading Comprehension
- Develop a very good understanding of the grammatical rules, spellings and punctuation with regular practice.
- Start reading aloud to easily point out grammatical and structural errors in sentences.
- Get into activities like puzzles, Rubik’s cube, chess to enhance problem solving and mathematical understanding.
- Develop and practise mental visualisation of shapes and objects to be able to mentally manipulate data and numbers with accuracy.
Written Expression
- Get into the habit of outlining your ideas in a structured form before starting to write the creative piece
- Practice expressing your ideas creatively with clarity of thought
- Avoid using superfluous language and jargonic terms with complex sentence construction.
- Develop the habit of proofreading the written piece to eliminate small spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
Not always consistent hard work and perseverance is the key to success in this highly competitive exam like Edutest Selective entry. Make your effort a sure shot success with expert guidance of the country’s leading exam practice platform Selectivetrial.