The full set of question papers includes all types of questions similar to the real-time exam questions. Selectivetrials follow a similar style to the current format of new scholarship formats.
Our practice tests are designed in a similar style to the Scholarship Test.
Our highly qualified group of subject experts of High-scoring ATAR tutors and selective school passed-out tutors passionately did their level best to create the many papers here at Selective Trials. All tests are time-managed, and each student will feel the same as the real Australian tests. After finishing each test, the student can go back to review and revise all questions with feedback and thorough explanations. Students can investigate the work solutions for all the questions in detail, where steps are maintained on how to solve the question and the quicker reasoning behind it.
Seven full sets of Humanities – Comprehension and Interpretation Question Papers – Time Scored –(multiple choice, 40 minutes)
Seven full sets of Mathematics Question Papers – Time Scored –(multiple choice, 40 minutes)
Written Expression (extended response, 25 minutes)
Unlimited attempts of all questions.
Access to review all questions with solutions after each TEST.
2 different types of Writing Tests with brief Feedback from experienced Selective Passed Out Tutors.
Notes – All practice questions are followed as per ACER format.
Easy Writing – 2 Tasks. (Writing courses will be assigned separately after taking a subscription.)
Full Set of New Format Papers:
The full set of question papers includes all types of questions similar to the real-time exam questions. Selective Trials follows the same current format of new ACER formats. Our highly qualified group of subject experts of High scoring ATAR tutors, and selective school passed out tutors who passionately did their level best to create the many papers here at Selective Trials. All tests are time managed, and each student will get the same feeling as the real Australian tests. After finishing each test, the student can go back to review and revise all questions with feedback and thorough explanations. Students can investigate the work solutions for all the questions in detail where steps are maintained on how to solve the question and the quicker reasoning behind it.
Practice Question Papers:
We recommend every student start with revision questions first, then slowly go to Time scored Question BANK.
As per the Australian Curriculum, we published our question BANK for ACER as per the new style and format.
Our revision question BANK has covered all the chapters and maintained them accordingly. If your child does wrong on any particular question, you can practice similar questions again.
Online One-to-One Personalised Tutoring:
We are ecstatic to announce that, along with the trial question, we are providing one-to-one personalised tutoring where we will mainly clear the concept where students struggle on a topic in the test. This online classroom is fully equipped with an advanced whiteboard, audio-video and screen sharing capabilities.
Writing Test Evaluation:
In our package, we are offering a writing test where the students will log in (in their own account which is provided by Selective Trials) to our Learning Management Portal and go to the course from where they take the exam, in the same place student will have the option to submit their writing test. Each writing test is evaluated in detail by our experienced Australian English Tutors as per the Australian Curriculum.
Without feedback, it is impossible to get the same question right without any help. Feedback is crucial when building up your child’s stamina in getting the same type of question right the next time. Also, find out the reason why your child got the question wrong in the first place; and fixing them to grant them entry into their dream school, and the final result from the Exam will be a function of your child’s capabilities. Parents will be able to view the student’s performance relative to their peers and see the performance per question type and topic.
Practice to succeed…
What is ACER
About ACER Scholarship Tests: The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Scholarship Tests are used across Australia to identify academically talented students for scholarships to private schools. These are typically high-stakes and competitive examinations.
Note that while the ACER scholarship test is one of the most common scholarship tests in Australia, the specific requirements, application procedures, and testing processes can vary significantly between different schools and scholarships. Always check with the specific school or scholarship provider for the most accurate information.
A scholarship may provide 1-3 spots a year, while selective schools often have 225 spots or more.
Candidates are mandatory to prove a range of skills such as interpreting, inferring, deducing, and thinking critically. These tests are not about curriculum and are not designed to test the ability to repossess learned knowledge, nor are they analytical.
ACER Test Structure –The ACER Scholarship Tests are divided as
A. Primary level tests (entry into Years 4, 5 or 6)
B. Secondary level tests (entry into Years 7 to 12 – Levels 1, 2 and 3)
A.Primary level tests:
In Primary level tests, three tests are there.
ACER Scholarship Tests Reading and Viewing is MCQ (multiple choice) based, and the timing is 30 minutes for 25 questions. The Reading and Viewing test offers a single measure of success reflecting understanding and clarification of written and graphic material from various syllabus areas. Students need to read some short passages and answer 25 MCQ.
In this part of ACER Scholarship Tests, Mathematical skills and knowledge are tested in this part, and it is also MCQ (multiple choice) based, and timing is 30 minutes for 20 questions. Scholars apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems, counting short calculations in each of the four actions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The test contains 20 MCQ.
In part of ACER Scholarship Tests Writing skills are tested where students get 40 minutes to write two short pieces in answer to two separate prompts and will be assessed in terms of the value of content and ideas and the construction of languages.
Secondary level tests:
Apart from Primary level tests, Secondary level tests have four parts.
ACER Scholarship Tests – Written Expression: The first test is about Written Expression, where you will get 25 minutes. Here two matters for writing will be given to allow you to use different elegances of writing. They are offered as two distinct tests. About one and a half A4 pages of lined paper will be provided for an individual test, but you are not requested to make the pieces of writing any different length, and value is more important than length. This portion of the test is concerned with your ability to express your opinions and feelings in writing.
In this part of ACER Scholarship Tests, you should know Thought and Content, Structure and Organisation and Expression, Style and Mechanics. The stimulus material you are specified must be the basis of your writing. You will be penalised if it presents a piece of writing that is not settled from the stimulus. Respond to the stimulus most excitingly to you and best displays your ability to write and express yourself. The stimulus may be a picture, a statement or a combination of the two. The stimulus may allow you to tell a real or imaginary story, describe a situation, incident or scene, outline or explain something, express a point of view, or present an argument.
Some matters might recommend that you write a story; others might advise a conversation, a conversation or reflection. Any style you choose, be aware that vibrant, communicative, engaging and motivating writing is being sought. Read the matters wisely. Apply some time thinking about each of the matters.
Also, ACER examinations are even more challenging in choice than examinations for selective schools (ACER Govt Body also correspondingly produces the NSW selective school test for years 8 to 11admission (HAST TEST), Brisbane State High ( HAST -P and HAST Test )and GATE in Western Australia.
Anzac –
Highly recommended. My daughter has improved her numeracy skills and looks very confident with her preparations.
Arlo –
Recently my daughter appeared for the ACER exam, and she thinks your mock tests helped her solve challenging questions within the timeline. A big thanks to the entire team.
Ash –
Such an amazing online resource with responsive user support! My son has accessed the site for two months, and he cracked the Acer test last year.